Five Pawns Castle Long is a gourmet vaping experience, crafted with a sophisticated blend of flavors that evoke the spirit of Kentucky bourbon. It features a striking note of toasted coconut e-liquid flavoring, complemented by roasted almonds for a well-balanced, mellow taste. Castle Long is further enhanced with Madagascar and French vanillas, adding layers of sweetness and depth. A touch of caramelized brown sugar rounds out the profile, finishing with the subtle essence of Kentucky bourbon for an unparalleled vaping experience. This best-in-class e-liquid is a treat for those who appreciate a complex and rich flavor palette.
NOTE: This product contains Metatine and no nicotine. Metatine is a proprietary, synthetic nicotine alternative used in vaping products to mimic nicotine's effects without being classified as nicotine. The Metatine strengths are available in 0, 3, and 6.